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Tech Stack for this Website

Choosing a tech stack is honestly essential in a project. I wanted to build this site with good tools that would let me work fast and give a good experience. I want to present my tech stack.


Astro is a great way to build blogs and portfolio sites. It is basically a static site generator with great support for tools like tailwind css, mdx, etc.

Cloudflare Pages

Typically I choose to host my projects on vercel, but I actually switched to cloudflare pages for this one. The reason being that while vercel is nice, it had bandwidth limits and the extra features that they support weren’t necessary for my project. This means that I could get away with using something like cloudflare pages which doesn’t support serverless functions(not talking about edge functions) but does have unlimited bandwidth.


Vercel(Not Sponsored) is what I use to host the site. I could use basically anything but I decided to use vercel since I already had a site on it.